Al-Sr Master alloys

Product name: AlSr3.5 , AlSr5, AlSr10, AlSr10 Ti1 B0.2 AlSr15

The eutectic silicon and the hypoeutectic silicon use AISI to proceed the modification,which can transform the thick massive eutectic silicon to the tiny fibrous structure, hinder the growth of silicon so as to improve the mechanical properties of the alloys.(change the fine pores into micropores.)

Product name: AlSr3.5 , AlSr5, AlSr10, AlSr10 Ti1 B0.2 AlSr15

Adding amount: The add quantity of Sr depends on the content of silicon in aluminum alloy. The metamorphism of eutectic alloy is harder than the hypoeutectic eutectic alloy, so the addition amount of AlSi12 alloy is higer, the content of the Sr may be as high as 0.03%,If produce the high quality casting products, we recommend using both alterative and grain refiner.


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